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谷歌推微攝影鏡片 可助盲胞
Apr 16th 2014, 05:17

台灣醒報 – 


據觀察專利申請的Patent Bold網站報導,Google最新提出的智慧隱形鏡片專利,將具備可偵測燈光、顏色、物體與臉部的感測器,只要眨眼就可啟動,鏡片內嵌元件可經由攝影機傳送圖像,幫助盲胞「看見」生活周遭任何移動的物體,例如走在路旁或欲穿越十字路口時,可判斷是否有車輛靠近,並以語音告知。

Google眼鏡稍早在美國限時開賣,已成功製造話題,現在要進一步推出微攝影機隱形鏡片,據Endpoint Technologies總裁凱伊表示,視覺認知技術目前還處於早期發展階段,不過,Google意在向外界證明自己源源不絕的創新能力,「這些構想出爐的目的,是Google要宣誓自己仍相當活躍,而且能持續創新。」

Google在今年1月份宣布已開發出能偵測血糖的隱形眼鏡,透過淚液觀察穿戴者血糖濃度,預計可讓全球超過3.8億糖尿病患獲益。據負責開發該鏡片的Google X計畫負責人奧蒂斯表示,「我們花了極大心力,專門研發尺寸極小且低功耗的電子產品,希望能達到低耗能且檢測血糖的功能。」Google可偵測血糖的隱形眼鏡影片,可見https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIOC5-ll58k


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Google手機模組化 計畫亮相
Apr 16th 2014, 16:02

「華爾街日報」(WSJ)報導,谷歌公司(Google Inc.)高層昨天表示,谷歌打算出1款「模組化」智慧型手機,讓消費者能配置不同功能。

谷歌的構想是相機或血糖測量儀等硬體模組,將可在應用程式(app)商店上買到,就跟谷歌自家軟體app商店Google Play一樣。

這些模組將可裝進為手機設計的金屬「骨架」,谷歌把這款手機稱作「Project Ara」。設計師指出,扁平長方形的「模組」可插進這個框架,並將由磁鐵固定住。

谷歌先進技術暨專案小組發展這款手機概念,副總監嘉布瑞爾(Kaigham Gabriel)表示:「製造智慧型手機的現有方式已成熟,但還是有製造手機的新方法。」嘉布瑞爾是昨天在Project Ara首場開發者大會上受訪。






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[心得] 卸妝也是一種放鬆的過程 THREE平衡潔膚油
Apr 17th 2014, 15:05, by aprilmorelan

作者aprilmorelan (小豬薇)


標題[心得] 卸妝也是一種放鬆的過程 THREE平衡潔膚油

時間Thu Apr 17 15:05:50 2014

圖文網誌版 http://aprilmoreland.pixnet.net/blog/post/57070017 _________________________________________________ 最近THREE的討論好多 我也是被燒得亂七八糟呀 對THREE他們家最有印象的就是平衡潔膚油 之前就很常在日本雜誌上看到推薦 印象中這瓶潔膚油有好幾年都有獲得美妝大賞 所以SOGO一有櫃就馬上跑去試了 果真要試用才知道它的好在哪裡呀 走療癒系的THREE平衡潔膚油 簡單不花俏的包裝 主要是以植物油做為基底 也有調一些精油在裡面 植物油有荷荷巴油、茶籽油、摩洛哥堅果油、玫瑰果籽油 精油有乳香精華、佛手柑果實精油、迷迭香精華、馬郁蘭精油、橙皮精油 卸妝前可以先溫熱 再聞一下味道 放鬆身心啊 簡單示範卸妝力囉 從上到下是粉底、眼線膠筆、口紅、眼影 小提醒一下 THREE的潔膚油是不需要有加水乳化的過程 直接按摩到妝都溶解了再沖水就好 卸妝表現蠻不錯的 可以卸得乾乾淨淨的 膚觸還是保留著柔嫩感 不會乾澀緊繃 以前卸妝就是一項清潔工作 現在反而是靠卸妝來讓自己放鬆 每次卸妝前就像進行儀式一樣 先在手掌上溫熱卸妝油 聞完之後放鬆心情再開始進入卸妝 這就讓我想到去做SPA的時候 不是也都會先讓你聞一下精油的味道舒緩 再開始按摩嗎? 也可能是因為它不需要乳化 而是靠慢慢按摩把妝溶解 所以卸妝完之後 反而會覺得皮膚有種明亮感 另外用THREE這瓶卸完沒有我最害怕的油膩感 有些卸妝油卸完後 會有很重的油感殘留在臉上 說是種天然的保護膜啦 但THREE就不會有 而且直接用植物油精油來卸妝 就是有種邊保養邊卸妝的感覺啊 (突然覺得自己好奢侈啊) 總覺得在台灣應該也會賣得跟日本一樣好吧 因為大家生活壓力那麼大 很需要一些療癒身心靈的東西啊 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MakeUp/M.1397718354.A.F52.html

bettywang1:原來sogo有櫃!!! 04/17 15:24

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Apr 16th 2014, 19:30
學生退出議場,民進黨團總召柯建銘 自爆,三月廿九日,他向立法院長王金 平獻策「沒有立法,沒有審查」,王金 平同意,是促成學生退出議場的關鍵。







學生退出議場,民進黨團總召柯建銘 自爆,三月廿九日,他向立法院長王金 平獻策「沒有立法,沒有審查」,王金 平同意,是促成學生退出議場的關鍵。 / 本報資料照片

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批踢踢實業坊 Taoyuan 板
[問題] 請問哪邊有收壞掉的NB和桌電?
Apr 17th 2014, 09:05, by mimick

作者mimick (mimi)


標題[問題] 請問哪邊有收壞掉的NB和桌電?

時間Thu Apr 17 09:04:58 2014

各位大大想請問一下,最近大更新多了 一台壞掉的NB和桌電都壞了,有去看nova 結果竟然只是一張抵用卷@@,想問看看 各位都怎麼處理這些東西cp值比較高的? 感謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taoyuan/M.1397696700.A.922.html

blueheaven42:我家附近電腦店回收一台150現金 04/17 09:24

aptx4869n:有考慮捐去做公益嗎? 綠色奇蹟網站有在收的樣子 04/17 09:40

Ouiful:如果不是最近五年的機子 就賣給回收場吧 04/17 09:53

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samsung - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果
samsung - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果 
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Samsung Galaxy S5 carries over US$250 BOM, IHS teardown reveals
Apr 16th 2014, 09:06

Samsung Galaxy S5 carries over US$250 BOM, IHS teardown reveals

Press release, April 16; Alex Wolfgram, DIGITIMES [Wednesday 16 April 2014]

The Samsung Galaxy S5 with 32GB of NAND flash memory carries a BOM of US$251.52, according to IHS. The cost rises to US$256.52 when the US$5 manufacturing cost is added.

This is more expensive than other high-end smartphones, such as the 32GB iPhone 5s, which carries a US$207 BOM. The S5's BOM contrasts even more starkly with smartphones at the lowest end of the cost spectrum, such as two Android devices, the ZTE U793 and K-Touch T619+, which have BOMs of less than US$35, IHS said.

"The high cost of the S5 is becoming more typical of Samsung's flagship Galaxy line," said Andrew Rassweiler, senior director of cost benchmarking services for IHS. "In 2013, IHS has torn down four Galaxy devices with BOMs ranging from US$237-$280.

"The S5 exemplifies a conservative evolutionary design approach," Rassweiler said. "There are no revolutions or giant steps forward in this design. There's a lot of similarity and commonality between the S5 and other recent Samsung smartphones IHS has torn down, such as the Galaxy Round and the Note III. However, there are many small changes throughout the design."

IHS said modified component selections in the S5 include the Qualcomm WTR1625 RF transceiver. Previous multiple Galaxy products included the WTR1605L instead. This part switch may have been spurred by specific carrier and network requirements.

The S5 also includes a new version of the NXP NFC controller that is different from the NXP PN5441, PN547 and PN65N devices found in other Samsung teardowns. Furthermore, the S5 uses the ES704 noise suppression device from Audience Semiconductor, as opposed to the eS305B and eS325 seen in several other recent Samsung devices.

Moreover, the latest Galaxy smartphone employs the PMC8974 power management chip from Qualcomm. This is a chip that IHS has never seen in an electronic design, and seems to integrate two or more power-management ICs from Qualcomm that previously were separate, the firm added.

Crank up the Wi-Fi

In one major departure from previous designs, the Galaxy S5 features the first sighting of 802.11ac Wi-Fi with MIMO technology. MIMO utilizes multiple antennas to improve Wi-Fi signal strength and overall performance.

Although IHS is not yet able to confirm the supplier of the MIMO Wi-Fi module and the underlying silicon supporting this function, it believes that Broadcom is the most likely available semiconductor solution provider. The module is a combo solution that supports both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functionality, the firm said.

Processor precis

Another major cost factor in the Galaxy S5 is the smartphone's core processor, the Qualcomm MSM8974AC. The MSM8974AC is a variant of the popular MSM8974 used in a number of mobile products ranging from the Nokia Lumia 1520, to the Galaxy Round, to the LG Google Nexus 5. The AC version employs the newer Snapdragon 801 processor, as opposed to the 800 used in the MSM8974. The MSM8974AC with the Snapdragon 801 features a faster clock speed, at 2.5GHz, compared to 2.3GHz in the MSM8974 with the Snapdragon 800.

The MSM8974AC carries an estimated cost of US$41. This may seem elevated but represents the combined functionality of two formerly separate chips, the core applications processor and the wireless semiconductor. In other designs, such as the Apple iPhones and other Samsung designs, these two roles may be filled by two separate chips. Implementing the Qualcomm MSM8974AC solution saves Samsung internal board space and reduces manufacturing cost by eliminating separate ICs on the board.

There is speculation over whether there is another variant of the Samsung S5 design that features a Samsung Exynos processor in lieu of the Qualcomm MSM8974AC. In the Samsung Galaxy S4, there were two different versions, one with a Samsung Exynos 5410 processor, and another with a Qualcomm processor, dubbed the APQ8064AC.

The S5 may be based only on the Qualcomm MSM8974AC, but this has yet to be confirmed, IHS added.

Sensor surge

The S5 represents the latest escalation of the sensor war, adding more such devices than IHS has ever detected in a smartphone design. Whereas a typical smartphone design might feature an accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer, the S5 features all of those plus a barometric pressure sensor, and two new additions: fingerprint and pulse sensors.

For the first time, Samsung has added a fingerprint sensor to its Galaxy line, following Apple's lead with iPhone 5s.

The pulse sensor is the Maxim MAX86900. This may seem like an odd choice of sensor to add, but this stems from a recent wave of consumer and OEM interest in activity monitors and other wearable devices that also feature pulse monitoring and other health and vital statistics tracking features.

Samsung uses a number of different sources for the sensors, depending on the model built. The accelerometer/gyroscope component in the individual S5 torn down by IHS is from InvenSense, whereas the S4 featured a unit from STMicroelectronics.

The electronic compass in the S5 torn down by IHS comes from Asahi Kasei Microelectronics; in the Samsung S4, IHS found compasses from both Asahi and Yamaha, depending on the variant of the S4 design. The barometric pressure sensor found in the S5 torn down is from STMicroelectronics, whereas both previously torn down S4 variants feature Bosch Sensortec. It is important to note that different variants can employ distinct components from diverse suppliers both in the sensor area and other sections of the design, said IHS.

The individual S5 torn down by IHS was sold in the South Korea market and included a TV receiver – the FC8080 T-DMB tuner/demodulator from Silicon Motion. The US version is unlikely to include this chip, IHS said, adding that versions sold by AT&T, Verizon and other global carriers may have other minor modifications.

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差點被學運邊緣化 柯文哲今上班了
Apr 17th 2014, 05:31






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批踢踢實業坊 movie 板
[片單] 有關渡假村類型的片單
Apr 16th 2014, 18:31, by s87269x

作者s87269x (麵筋)


標題[片單] 有關渡假村類型的片單

時間Wed Apr 16 18:31:39 2014

上面吃掉 --------------------------- 各位電影版的大大好,小弟這學期課程裡,有門課程是溫泉與渡假村 指導講師希望找一部有關渡假村的影片, 來供學生們寫期中心得報告, 那我 / 渡假村 出現的伴侶渡假村不太適合的感覺... (主題並非渡假村) 希望各位大大集思廣益...最好是有發行dvd的影片學校圖書館可能會有。 ※ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ※ 1. 請描述欲尋找電影的類型或特徵(請盡量描述清楚) 渡假村或飯店運作類型,能讓人理解思考渡假村的意涵。 2. 已知符合需求的電影或偏好的電影類型(為避免重複推文,請至少列舉一部) 講師是屬意"金盞花大酒店",我也覺得應該是這部了, 希望各位大大集思廣益,不知是否有其他我沒聽過的好片可以分享。 3. 不喜歡的電影類型 (不需要板友推薦的電影,可填刺陵) 主軸非關渡假村的其餘片子 ---------------------------- 如果有違反板規之類的疑慮,請即刻告知我,我會自刪。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1397644301.A.F64.html

eavanrei:亞當山德勒的天方夜譚? 04/16 18:40


peruman:《六天七夜》(SIX DAYS SEVEN NIGHTS)/慾望城市1、2 04/16 18:48

peruman:我誤會原PO意思了 04/16 18:49

恩我也剛查了一下六天七夜這部電影,感覺不是很適合課程... ※ 編輯: s87269x (, 04/16/2014 18:51:49

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Apr 17th 2014, 14:34, by eu1201

作者eu1201 (肥寶)


標題[情報] LUXGEN M7 TURBO 七人座LMPV發表

時間Thu Apr 17 14:34:06 2014

圖文好讀區:http://yo99306005.pixnet.net/blog/post/40999615 全車型售價分別為: 【客貨車】 精緻型84.5萬 豪華型94.5萬 尊爵型102.5萬 頂級型110萬 旗艦型113萬 【客車】 精緻型94萬 旗艦型127萬與129萬(選配大三排座椅) 全新的M7 TURBO依1:1.618的黃金鸚鵡螺比例設計,打破過往LMPV車款厚重樸實的印象, 大膽的雙門轎跑的線條,描繪輕盈的視覺印象,車頭導入全新一代加寬、加闊的智慧飛翼 式鼻翼飾條,搭配六角形鍍鉻水箱護罩,表現出更立體的層次與精緻質感。科技晶鑽頭燈 組結合炫目LED日行燈、LED方向燈,展現個性;航太動力學LED尾燈更以立體式暗紅色燈 殼及折角設計,擴張前衛視覺效果。車頭採用與歐系高級車同等級的炫目LED日行燈,具 高亮度白光、提供絕佳高辨識性與前衛科技感,前霧燈與銀箭型車側LED方向燈,可有效 警示前方及兩側來車,讓M7 TURBO行車安全凌駕同級車。搭配17吋雙彩炫風鋁合金輪圈, 十幅式輪圈搭配雙色設計,讓車側視覺更細膩動感。 -------------------------------- 上回鬧得沸沸揚揚的MPV車型 這次LUXGEN M7就分成客貨車和客車兩種規格 同等級但配備有差一點 不過一樣是精緻型和旗艦型 客車和客貨車價差有十萬 客車在規格表上也註明是接單生產 還是要賣客貨車才有競爭力 M7的外型比上一代的MPV好看很多 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1397716451.A.632.html

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[食記] 台北 Time Park Cafe
Apr 16th 2014, 17:29, by lisa112995

作者lisa112995 (妮妮˙v˙)


標題[食記] 台北 Time Park Cafe

時間Wed Apr 16 17:29:14 2014

餐廳名稱:Time Park Cafeé 消費時間:2014年/4月(例:2010年/7月,必填項目,違者刪文) 地址:台北市延吉街131巷33號1樓 電話:(02)8772-2347 營業時間:週一至週五 11:00~21:00      週六至週日 9:00~21:00 每人平均價位:$180~$300(需加一成) 可否刷卡:否 有無包廂:無 ================================================================= 好讀圖文網誌版:http://ppt.cc/QQWN 開幕剛滿一年的Time Park Cafe,是說這家店的裝潢我還蠻喜歡的 Time Park 即是反映為忙碌的上班族、專注生活的每位人們 提供可以停佇在悠閒氣氛時光的場所(截自Time Park Cafe的MENU) 這"悠閒氣氛時光的場所"的確可以用在Time Park Cafe裡 位在國父紀念館出口1後方的巷子裡,走到第三條後左轉進去,就在靠近巷子口的地方 門口外小黑板上寫著今日特餐,是店家最近開始試賣的商業午餐 不到200元的價錢就能吃到義大利麵套餐哦~~(套餐含近日濃湯及紅茶) 吸引我目光的是店裡歐式的風格的古老大鐘 古老大鐘的樣子卻很有現代感 牆邊還有雜誌可以翻閱,感覺店裡下午也很安靜 沒事的話也可以點一杯飲料坐在這看整個下午的書啊~~ 接下來該來介紹餐點了!! 這家店餐點種類真的很多,凡舉三明治、蛋捲類的早午餐、吐司類的早午餐、義大利麵 到甜點的格子鬆餅、薄餅,這裡都有~~ 我們三個女孩完全無法決定要吃哪一種,硬是選了十多分鐘才決定好 而店員人也很好,很耐心的等我們決定(受到朋友喜愛的店員) MENU的第一頁,寫的是關於Time Park Cafe的說明 提供了美味的食材,以及悠閒的場所,還有親切的服務 主要都是套餐類的餐點,且也可以補差價換MENU後面的飲料 但義大利麵我記得是單點的哦~~ 等待一些時間,餐點送上來了!! 香蒜野菇里肌肉和風奶油麵 $160 感覺上不是義大利麵而是炒麵 雖然看起來有很多奶油醬汁但吃起來的口感像是炒麵 麵屬於比較硬的,剛好朋友比較愛吃軟一點的呀!!(我就愛硬一點的義大利麵 ̄▽ ̄") 桂圓紅茶佐蜂蜜(熱) $150 雖然我沒有嘗試,不過加蜂蜜的感覺也不錯耶!! 義士酒醋炒菇起司巧巴達 $170 塞進滿滿餡料的巧巴達麵包,旁邊還有附馬鈴薯蛋沙拉跟帶皮馬鈴薯條 雖然看起來小小一份但吃完後會覺得有飽足感 牛肉醬歐姆雷蛋包套餐(附餐前優格及水果) $250 餐前會先上自製的優格及新鮮水果 優格不像市面上凍狀類的優格,而是水水的 裡面還有加酸酸甜甜的莓醬,吃起來比較不會單調 歐姆蛋套餐裡包含佛卡夏麵包(我的愛~~)香氣十足!! 歐姆蛋捲也是搭配青菜下去煎的,而裡面更是包覆滿滿的番茄及起司丁 再配上牛肉醬,真的很好吃呀!!(還蠻搭的) 不過生菜並沒有搭配醬料,吃起來野菜味十足XD 所以就自己沾歐姆蛋的牛肉醬搭配著吃,沒想到也很好吃耶!! 抹茶歐蕾(熱) $120 香蕉熔岩巧克力鬆餅 $160 真心的說我們其實是為了鬆餅而來了 一開始我們只是想吃下午茶呀!!但不吃正餐好像又不太行 糾結於抹茶紅豆鬆餅與香蕉巧克力鬆餅,最後選擇巧克力 (貌似水果鬆餅是比較推薦的,但我不是很喜歡水果鬆餅) 鬆餅送上來我們三個女孩眼睛為之一亮啊~~ 巧克力冰淇淋加上鮮奶油,上頭還淋上滿滿的巧克力醬!! 剖半的香蕉上也有薄薄一片烤焦糖(雖然我不是很愛那烤焦糖的味道...) 雖然分鬆餅過後的樣子不是很美觀,但味道還是依舊美味~~ (鬆餅現烤要等約20分鐘哦!!) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Food/M.1397640558.A.1E1.html

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